AWS Cloud

We offer full range of cloud computing solution, whether in cloud or on-premise, we help customers migrate and digital transform their operation following a well-architected Framework that helps understand the pros and cons of decision our customers make while building their systems on-premise or on cloud using AWS or AZURE.

The Framework help us eliminate a lot of guess work while building the systems, we follow architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the cloud.

Our preferred cloud choice is always AWS (Amazon Web Services) due to the nature of rich features and automated workloads that helps cut repetitive work while retaining efficient results. AWS provides a way for us to consistently measure the digitally transformed architecture against best practices and identify areas of improvement when needed.

We believe that having well-architected cloud-server systems greatly increases the likelihood of business success.

  1. Our digital transformation to the cloud cover wide aspects starting from:
    Computer layer requirement to mange your external workload environment, we cover AWS Lambda, and AWS REST API Gateway, and AWS Setup Function. We also cover AWS Elastic Computer Cloud.
  2. Data Layer that manages persistence storage from withing a system. AWS DynamoDB that helps respond in near real-time, Lambda functions, AWS Simple Storage Service, AWS OpenSearch Service, and App Synch will all be taken care off.
  3. Messaging and Streaming Layer that helps manage communication between components, AWS SimpleNotification, AWS Kinesis, AWS Kinesis Data Firehouse, and AWS Kineses Anaytics will be handled.
  4. User Management and Identity Layer, provide the most secure access from identity, authentication and authorization perspective. AWS Cognito and authentication with Google, Facebook, and other social media all addressed at this layer.
  5. Edge Layer, we address the presentation and connectivity to external customers. We explore AWS CloudFront if CDN is required for max low latency application.
  6. System Monitoring and Deployment that offers visibility through metrics and creates contextual awareness of how to operate over time. AWS CloudWatch, AWS X-RAY, AWS Serverless Operation can all be covered during this phase.
  7. Deployment Approaches, in this phase we ensure changes does not brake the service. Safety, collection of data, metadata, API inventory, API keys. We decide what deployment is required for what, e.g. All-at-once deployment, Blue/Green deployment, Canary deployment.
  8. Lambda Version Control, we maintain strict versioning logs that enables quick visibility of previously functioning code with ability of roll back at anytime.

Odoo ERP

We are Odoo Gold Partner, we offer complete ERP business suites implementation, we implement and  manage all software difficulties as they are impactful to corporates. With Odoo, we connects all departments, which means a lot of changes and a lot of users relying on the quality of the rollout will be key significance to improve the overall workflows.

Below are the phases of Odoo project implementation and their relative durations:

  1. ROI Analysis, forms 10% of the overall project implementation, the objective of this session is to perform Return on Investment (ROI) analysis, phasing and budgeting of the ERP implementation.

  2. Kick-Off, forms 5% of the overall project, the objective of this phase is to Align stakeholders on methodology + standard training.

  3. Implementation, forms 80% of the overall project duration, the objectives of this phase is to identify the Series of cycles: analysis, development, validation, key-user training.

  4. Go-Live, forms 5% of the overall project duration, the objective of this phase is to decide the End-user training, bug fixes.

  5. Second deployment, no time frame, its variable, we usually use it for Broaden scope or add custom features.


As part of the digital transformation journey we offer clients complete commerce stores solution build using WORDPRESS and WOO COMMERCE solution. We take into consideration the complete project cycle starting from identifying the real need to have the online store, interface, customers segment, products categories, SKUs, database sizing and future growth, automated product population, store design, development, plugins, backup & restore, online calendar, chat interface, social media icons, social media pixilation  and  integration with Google TAG Manager and Google 4A Analytics, automated reporting, and hosting.

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Client: UAE and Gulf
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